Choose Kindness
Because #itscooltobekind
World Kindness Day is celebrated internationally every year on November 13th, but we want to help Fuel Kindness every day. We are on a mission to do just that with support from our friends at Life Is Good. To spread the word in your neighborhood, we needed help from our team at Eastern.
Once our Eastern team members complete five, or more, random acts of kindness, they will receive a one of a kind Eastern #itscooltobekind t-shirt created by Life Is Good; check out the design below! While this is just for our team at Eastern to start, we are excited to get as many people as possible involved! If you, your family, or friends are interested in this custom shirt, fill out the form on the bottom of this page to let us know and our team will be in touch! Thanks for helping us Fuel Kindness in your neighborhood!
If you remember, take a quick photo of your “acts” of kindness and post them on your social media with the hashtag #itscooltobekind, or send them to us via an email at so we can share your act of kindness*. Don’t forget, if you are able to share your kindness on social media, tag Eastern in your post.
To be sure your act of kindness is safely received, please keep social distancing and
cleaning recommendations in mind before completing your act of kindness.
Lastly, when sharing photos, please be sure you have permission from those in it.
*Please note this email address,, is not monitored for any donation or sponsorship requests.
If you have seen one of these ‘Kindness Cards’, it means our team members have been around you spreading kindness!
Help us Fuel Kindness in your community too!

Kindness Matters
Here are just a few easy ways to get involved:
-Pay for the car behind you in the drive-thru
-Donate, volunteer, or adopt at a local animal shelter
-Send in cards to your local nursing home
-Collect roadside trash on your next walk in town
-Thank a teacher
-Leave a generous tip while eating out
-Bake a treat for your neighbor
-Make someone laugh or smile
-Share a good book you’ve read
-Inspire/Encourage others online
USE THE #itscooltobekind HASHTAG
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